Why Hire A Music Stylist For Your Business?

Aug 21

In the same way a hair stylist can work wonders with your hair, our music stylists can perform miracles with your brand. Definition, personality, and an image that is yours, and only yours - our curated playlists can bring all of those things to your brand. Think of it as a musical makeover that radically changes the way consumers perceive your business. From formless and vague, to sharp and distinctive. Our personalised playlists can make that difference to your brand, and that’s why you need a music stylist.   

At SoSound, there is nothing random about our personalised music playlists. We don’t select music based on our personal preferences, or on a whim because we think it might fit. “Might fit” doesn’t work for us as we believe the connection between our music and your brand should be watertight. That’s why we look at factors like demographics, energy levels, and scheduled store hours to work with mood changes or 'happy hours’. 

We also have a lot of styling assignments because we’re aware we have to cater for a wide range of demographics. We need to ensure they all get a bit of something they like. This takes time and a deep level of understanding; we need to know what music works for certain demos and what may not work. It doesn’t happen by accident - it’s something we put a lot of thought into. As our music director Barton puts it:   

“ Over time, I have developed formulas for what I know works. For instance, my rule of thumb for retail is the energy level of a playlist should equal the energy of the store. Usually shoppers don’t pay attention to in-store music. As a music stylist, if the shopper is happy and comfortable they are not noticing the music, that means we’ve done a good job. But when shoppers do register something like an inconsistency in tempo, or mood change, this can make them uneasy.”  

There is a science to our art. We personalise music playlists to align with a brand, but that music must also connect with their customers. To get the balance right, we work closely with our clients to create bespoke music soundscapes and playlists that resonate with their different spaces and reflect the unique elements that define their personality and style. Are you ready to makeover your brand with our music? To further discuss why your business needs a music stylist, request a free consultation and let’s talk about playlist curation that will strike the right chord with your customers.


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