SoSound Refresh: Because Every Brand Needs Music

As far as we’re concerned, music is everything. Music is the mood, the vibe, the heart and the soul. Take all of those things away and it’s like you’ve sucked the oxygen out of a room. People like us say it’s exactly the same. You can’t live without oxygen and you can’t live without music. Your brand certainly can’t.  

Music is the heartbeat of any brand. It gives it a personality and reflects who you are, what you do and how you do it. This is particularly true in a business where you have a personal and face-to-face connection with your customers: retail, galleries, bars, cafes, restaurants, hotels and spas are a few obvious examples that come to mind. At SoSound, we love to create personalised curated music services for businesses like these as it creates an atmosphere and vibe that makes everyone feel good  - and when people feel good, they’ll stay longer, they’ll spend money, and they’ll want to come back. Our music has that power. 

At the same time, we understand that not every business has the resources to pay for personalised music playlists. Times are tough. You have a budget to consider. We get that. But your brand still needs a beat! That’s why we launched the SoSound Refresh Series.

The Refresh Series gives you access to our catalogue of licensed playlists. They might not be personalised but they’re diverse enough to capture the essence of your brand. These are premium soundtracks from our team of musical stylists: 40 hours of music, updated monthly and put together with certain vibes in mind e.g. late-night dining, or chilling on a Sunday. They’re also grouped into three parts: Chill, Warm and Hot. You can choose your preferred vibe, then your tempo. We’ve also arranged a list of mixed tempos if you want a bit of everything.

SoSound’s Refresh Series is proof that our affordable restaurant music can be very cool, and just as good for business. Refresh will give your brand a personality and tell a great story about your business, and that is vital in creating the customer experience you want to achieve. If a personalised curated music service is beyond your means right now, then we have the next best thing. After all, your brand needs music. Your business is a soulless place without it. Want to find out more? Contact the team at SoSound and let’s talk Refresh.


Why Hire A Music Stylist For Your Business?


Everything there is to know about music licensing in Australia & New Zealand.