Why Curated Is Cooler

How do you want your customers to feel when they walk into your business? Off the top of our head, we’d suggest the following words might apply: Welcome. Included. Special. Relaxed. Happy. Excited. There are many more words we could use but with the ones we’ve already provided, you’ll notice one important thing; they’re all positive. Of course, they are. That’s obviously the vibe you want to create, and we’ll help you do that with the music we choose for you.    

You could take a stab in the dark and hope your own music choices hit the mark. You might have a playlist put together by, let’s say, Courtney Barnett or Diplo, as very random examples. You’re hearing what’s ticking their boxes right now. Awesome sounds, no doubt. But while these can be great playlists for research or discoveries, they have not been curated for your brand, your space and your location. 

And then there’s the algorithmic playlist. It’s something put together by a computer, using input about your favourite songs, artists and genres, and also by using data based on your listening habits. However, algorithmic providers will throw in something from left field occasionally in a bid to break the monotony. If you don’t intervene and engage with the software to advise that the new song it chose was inappropriate, then the playlist could take on a very different tone over time - and that tone could be a long way from your brand.

That’s what it all boils down to - your music needs to be on-brand and it has to stay there.  The last thing you want is to alienate your customers. They need to feel special, and part of something…they need to feel as if they’re in the right place. Our curated playlists will make them feel that way.

The first step is getting to know you. For example, our music consultants can come to you and dive deep into your brand. That way, we can research your business and fully understand your target audience and environment. We will work with you in creating bespoke music soundscapes and playlists; they will resonate within your different spaces while reflecting the elements that make your brand unique. 

There’s been a rise in curated playlists in recent years. More businesses now understand the connection between music and their brand, and they appreciate the benefits when they get it right.  We can help you get it right too, without relying on random music choices that make little sense. Contact us and let’s create a playlist for your business that is cool, connected and considered.  


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