How to strengthen your brand with music for businesses

They say music makes the world go round. Well, we say music makes your business tick. Here at SoSound, we aim to bring benefits to your brand through music curation, consultation, playlist creation, and POS messaging. Being a visionary & innovative music service company, we task ourselves with creating high-quality music solutions for business. Specifically your business. 

Brands aren’t just a name and a logo. Brands help people identify a company or product. They are made up of people, and colours and sounds. All these aspects contribute to encapsulate the meaning of a business. We focus on creating recognizable tools in which customers can associate with your company. One way to do this is with the music your customers ingest when visiting your premises. It’s our job to find the perfect pairing between space and sound. With licensed playlists available for retail, restaurants and more, you can change the whole dynamic of your customer spaces. What do your customers listen to? What do they like and dislike? Music shapes our lives on a daily basis. It’s time to use it to your advantage. 

Benefits of SoSound Playlists

  1. Music is a cost-effective way of giving your customer a positive experience, bringing enjoyment to the spaces where they are spending their time and money.

  2. Helpful for staff. Music has been proven to reduce stress, increase productivity and improve happiness.

  3. Can improve sales and customer satisfaction by taking your brand to the next level.

  4. Saves time and effort creating your own playlists allowing more focus on the important aspects of your job.

  5. Expert music curation will consider your specific demographic and focus on delivering the perfect playlist for it.

Ignite your space with sound and discover tailored music solutions to keep your customers in the zone. Contact us now to get a free consultation


The Art of Playlist Curation


Why Curated Is Cooler